With a wonderful and educative two week programme envisioned by the participants the organizers had to make sure that no stone was left unturned. The University hence had to ensure that all the aspects that would lead to a fulfilling summer programme was captured and that included a tour to the cultural centres and through the beautiful township of Xiamen.
The third day began with a tour to the Xiamen Ancient Fort on the Huli hill to ensure the participants were adequately exposed to the rich history of Xiamen. Every stage of the tour was found intriguing by the participants as historic relations with Germany and other European countries were brought to light. Also gathering cheers was an exquisite performance by uniformly dressed workers of the fort to give the participants and tourists gathered a vivid idea of how things were done in the past at the Xiamen Fort. The well organised layout of the fort and the timely information delivery of the tour guide made the visit very worthwhile.
Following the visit to the township, the participants were allowed to experience the Xiamen bus transportation as they were taken to the Xiamen village for a walk through the tourist market of Zengcuo’an where there was an open display of China’s rich culture in fashion, food, tea and other accessories well known to the Chinese people. The participants could not be much happier as they bought souvenirs, tasted various Chinese dishes and experienced the Chinese culture and splendid beauty.
Thinking that the tour had hit its peak, the participants were further captivated as they walked by hundreds of shopping centres and markets with not only reasonable prices but everything a person would want to buy from both a local and international perspective at Zhongshan Road. Giving a whole three hours to shop and sight see the participants were still late in arrival at the agreed venue as they were fully engaged to their excitement by the wonderful array of things available at just one place.
The day finally ended with participants well entreated to the sights and sounds of Xiamen and also stuffed with souvenirs and other parcels for themselves first and then family and friends back at home.

Edited by Perry Ackon