With Assistant Prof. Yu returning to China, Xmu’s innovation team of International law had fully completed their academic visiting to the Australian National University (ANU for short).
After the approval and foundation of this team in 2016, Prof. Cai, one of the team leaders, has been keeping in close contact with Anthea Roberts, an Australian international law scholar with good reputation, discussing the possibilities for Xmu’s young teachers to conduct academic visiting to ANU, as well as the their cooperation. Six young teachers, who were all under the age of 40, were eventually selected at the beginning of 2017 as participants of the academic visiting program. Zhang Binxin, Su Yu, Yang Fan and Yu Zhanmin, 4 assistant professors respectively finished their one-month academic visiting at ANU (the other two didn’t make it due to certain changes of their schedules). During their staying in Australia, all professors had established close relationships with Prof. Roberts, both academically and personally. What’s more, Prof. Roberts had shown her support for the growth of Xmu’s innovation team by carrying out practical actions, including accepting the invitation to the seminar “International Legal Order for Investment: What Role the BRICS Can Play?”
Since the establishment of the innovation team, the team leaders, holding the believes of “openness and joint growth”, have built regular operation of “Xmu’s GuanTao Forum of International Law” in various ways, such as academic lectures and lunches, which not only enhances communications between team members and colleagues domestic and overseas, but also gives team members, especially for young teachers, a chance of getting acquainted with
prestigious scholars from both China and foreign coutries, a chance of receiving effective assistance with their researches, and a chance of recommending themselves to overseas universities for academic visiting.
Efforts the team made make a great contribution to sustainable development of Xmu’s study on international law, and they have attracted wide attention and support from academic circles.
Based on the dedication of Xmu’s innovation team of international law, the team was nominated for “Xiamen City’s Youth May 4th medal (group)” and won the prize.

Translated by Zhao Chengming
Reviewed by Dong Xiaoqing