Zhu Chongshi, the president of Xiamen University visited Nnamdi Azikiwe University of Nigeria in 2014. His proposal of faculty exchange received warm response from Azikiwe. On September 25, 2015, the visit group of young scholars from Nigeria arrived at Xiamen University, during which time they will separately go to several faculties from Sept. 28 to Sept. 30.
Izunwa Maurice and Okaphor Ejike Francis, two lecturers from Azikiwe law school paid a visit to our faculty for three days. XMU law school has arranged a series of academic exchange activities for them including visit to Xiamen Intermediate Court and Xiamen Arbitration Commission, auditing the undergraduate and master courses (taught in English) and symposium with the school leader and students.
On the morning of Sept. 28

Prof. Zhu Yansheng, the Vice Dean of law school extended his warm welcome to the guests and gave a brief introduction of XMU law school and its development and propects on international cooperation. Mrs. Lin Shaoting from Intellectual Property Research Institute, Xiamen University also attended the meeting. She introduced the institute and the annually opened international intellectual property summer school to the guests for the possible collaboration in the future.
Mr. Maurice and Francis showed great interests on the international master program and exchange program. They look forward to the lasting and extensive cooperation with XMU law school in terms of students and faculty exchange and academic collaboration.
On the afternoon of Sept. 28

Discussion with Jiang Xiaoxian, assistant professor from Jurisprudence academic group

Auditing International Commercial Law, an undergraduate course taught by Prof. Chi Manjiao
On the morning of Sept. 29

A visit to Xiamen Arbitration Commission
On the afternoon of Sept. 29

A visit to Xiamen Intermediate Court
On the morning of Sept. 30

Symposium with students from XMU law school and a lecture on the legal system of Nigeria which covered such topics as alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in Nigeria, the common law system in Nigeria, and legal education and the legal profession in Nigeria.
On the afternoon of Sept. 30
Auditing Introduction to Chinese Legal System, a graduate course of international master program in Chinese Law taught by Prof. Wang Jianxue and Chinese Contract Law, a graduate course of international master program in Chinese Law taught by Prof. Xiao Wei
Three days of time flew by, while it has left deep impression to the two guests from Nigeria. Before leaving, we had a quick interview with them. Hereinafter I attached our talk.
We are confident to say that there will be more opportunities of cooperation and development between two law schools and create more possibilities for the faculty and students exchange and academic cooperation.
What do you want to say after three days of visit in School of Law, Xiamen University? What impression has this visit left with you?
Maurice: I am highly impressed. I find the university (Faculty of Law) an outstanding institution for legal studies worldwide. It is my lasting impression that the faculty is a place of great learning, culture, discipline. It can, in my opinion, compete with any other faculty of laws.
Francis: The academic exchange programme has offered us a wonderful opportunity to learn about the Chinese legal system, the international commercial arbitration as well as the jurisprudence of Chinese laws. We compared the Nigerian legal system, the Chinese legal system and other countries and this has changed our knowledge and understanding and helped our approach to the legal system of our country and that of China.
After auditing the two courses, what are your comments to the courses or the teachers?
Maurice: Three comments. 1. The classroom environment is technologically set/fit/ready for maximum output in teaching and learning. 2. The Professors are renowned experts. 3. The students prepare their lectures and contribute effectively.
Francis: The lectures were wonderful. Their capacity to make the students understand the courses is wonderful, especially the International Commercial Law teacher. He seems to have a firm grasp of the course. He is a good teacher. We will also encourage the Law School to have more English speaking lecturers as the university is an internationally recognized university, not only in China but across the globe.
Through the visit to Xiamen Arbitration Commission and Xiamen Intermediate Court, do you have any gains or thought you would like to share with us?
Maurice: What I found at the aforementioned places is simply put classic and monumental. The architectures are of the state of the arts and the procedures comply with international best practices.
Francis: The visit to the Xiamen Arbitration Commission was impactful, though we had language communication challenge, Ms Dong was able to crack the nut for us. As for the court, the exposure was wonderful. We were able to understand that Chinese court practices the concept of secret witness which is unseen in our judicial system (Nigeria). We intend to write a paper in which to see how much could be considered in the Nigerian legal system especially as it relates to the security of witnesses that testify before the law court.
What do you think of School of Law, Xiamen University? Do you have any prospect regarding the cooperation between our two law schools in the future?
Maurice: I look forward to the near future when Professor from this faculty will be coming to Namdi Azikiwe University (Nigeria) for visiting lectureship arrangements. Similarly, our university has quite a strong pool of experts that can enhance legal studies here. Another important area would be student scholarship exchange for both undergraduate and graduate studies.
Francis: Xiamen University is amongst the best universities I have visited. the Law School is good and we intend to have our post graduate students from Nigeria especially my university who will be coming for their postgraduate courses.
Other comments.
Maurice: It has been a good experience.
Francis: We look forward to having lecturers from the Xiamen University and Namdi Azikiwe University engage in this academic exchange in the future as this will further promote the relationship of both universities.
Edited by Linda Dong