
发布人: 苏泓尹 | 发布时间: 2009-10-22 | 阅读数:
亲爱的同学们: 德勤是一个品牌,在这个品牌下,具独立法律地位的全球各地成员所属下数以万计的德勤专业人士联合向经筛选的客户提供审计、企业管理咨询、财务咨询、风险管理及税务服务。 德勤是中国大陆及港澳地区居领导地位的专业服务机构之一,共拥有逾8,000多名员工,分布在北京、重庆、大连、广州、杭州、香港、澳门、南京、上海、深圳、苏州和天津。 为了满足我们日益增长的市场业务需要,我们每年都招聘一大批优秀的大学毕业生加入我们。 今年也不例外,我们2009/2010年的校园招聘活动即将拉开帷幕。 为了让同学们更好的了解德勤和我们的职位信息,我们在pc28开奖结果预测官网刮刮乐安排了校园宣讲会,详情如下: 日期: 2009年10月22日 (星期四) 时间: 15:00 - 17:00 地点: pc28开奖结果预测官网刮刮乐 (克立楼三楼报告厅) 网申时间: 2009年9月14日– 2009年10月27日 网申地址: http://careers.deloitte.com/studentgrad.aspx 在宣讲会现场,你将有机会和我们各个部门的代表进行面对面交流,并了解网申的具体流程和细节。 不要错过德勤的这次机会来实现你的职业期望。期待在宣讲会当天有你的参与! 德勤中国 Dear students, Deloitte is the brand under which tens of thousands of dedicated professionals in independent firms throughout the world collaborate to provide audit, consulting, financial advisory, risk management and tax services to selected clients. We are one of the leading professional services providers in the Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR, with over 8,000 people in 12 offices including Beijing, Chongqing, Dalian, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Hong Kong, Macau, Nanjing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Suzhou and Tianjin. To meet our business operation needs and continuous growth, we recruit a large number of graduates every year. This year is no exception and we will start our graduate recruitment exercise 2009/2010 very soon. In order to facilitate your understanding of Deloitte and our career opportunities, we have scheduled to hold a Career Forum at your university campus with details as follows: Date: October 22, 2009 (Thursday) Time: 15:00 – 17:00 Venue: Xiamen University(克立楼三楼报告厅) On-line Application: September 14 – October 27, 2009 Career Website: http://careers.deloitte.com/studentgrad.aspx During the career forum, you will be able to meet with representatives from our recruiting departments and details of the application procedure will be briefed. Don’t miss the chance to explore your career opportunities with Deloitte! We look forward to meeting you at the career forum. Yours sincerely, Deloitte China

