
发布人: 苏晓君 | 发布时间: 2019-11-05 | 阅读数: 0



Jing Lee博士,国籍:马来西亚。她是马来西亚国立大学环境与发展学院的讲师,她的研究兴趣是国际环境法、可持续发展以及国际水法。她在国际知名的国际法专著出版社Brill出版社出版了个人专著Preservation of ecosystems of international watercourses and the integration of relevant rules: An interpretative mechanism to address the fragmentation of international law,同时在包括Water International(SCI)在内的权威水资源期刊发表多篇论文。

Dr. Jing Lee is currently a lecturer with the Institute for Environment and Development, the National University of Malaysia. Her research interests lie in international environmental law, sustainable development, cultural diversity, and international water law. She has published her monograph Preservation of ecosystems of international watercourses and the integration of relevant rules: An interpretative mechanism to address the fragmentation of international law with Brill, a world-renowned publisher on international law. She has also published her works in some of the widely-recognized journals in the area of environmental law and water law, such as Water International (SCI journal).



Title: Transboundary Waters and Pollution

Water management is facing severe challenges worldwide. A critical problem in this regard is water pollution, and more specifically, transboundary water pollution. Water does not know borders. When it crosses borders, it involves at least two countries, or more. This physical feature, coupled with the transboundary pollution, makes the issue ever more complicated. This lecture, built on the principle of environmental protection of international watercourses, aims to take on this thorny issue by looking at the legal issues arising from transboundary water pollution, and possible ways forward.