Transboundary Reporting as Support for Water Cooperation? Insight from SDG Reporting 以跨界报告机制推动水治理合作——对可持续发展目标报告机制的思考

发布人: 苏晓君 | 发布时间: 2019-11-05 | 阅读数: 0



Rieu-Clarke教授的研究兴趣是关于国际法、可持续发展和跨界河流问题的跨领域研究,并在《英国国际法年刊》等重要刊物上发表过多篇论文。他有着丰富的实践经验,曾经到全球各主要的跨界流域考察,并且在欧洲、东非和南非、中美洲以及东南亚等地承担了多个研究项目。自20179月以来,他便以法律顾问的身份参与到联合国欧洲经济委员会实施可持续发展目标的有关活动中。除此之外,他也以法律顾问身份参与到《关于保护和使用跨界水道和国际湖泊的公约》的施行报告计划(Pilot Reporting Mechanism)中。

Professor Rieu-Clarke's research interests lie in the interface between international law, sustainable development and transboundary waters. Alistair’s research has taken him to many of the major transboundary river basins in the world, and he has conducted several major multi-disciplinary research projects in Europe, Southern and Eastern Africa, Central America and South-East Asia. Since September 2017, Alistair has been working as a legal advisor to one of the UN agencies responsible for the implementation of the SDGs, namely the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). As well as working for UNECE on SDG6.5.2 (transboundary water cooperation), Alistair has assisted in the implementation of the pilot reporting mechanism under the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes.


Rieu Clarke教授有着丰富的法律实践经验,目前是《关于保护和使用跨界水道和国际湖泊的公约》的施行报告计划(Pilot Reporting Mechanism)的法律顾问之一。该讲座主要是建立在这一经历基础上,介绍该机制实施特点、优势和挑战。

Prof. Alistair Rieu-Clarke is experienced in legal practice, and has been assisting in the implementation of the pilot reporting mechanism under the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes. This lecture, based on his first-hand experience, will provide us with an in-depth look into the features, operation and challenges of the programme, and the Convention.